Men in Wet Shorts

You can get into big trouble trying to diagnose your own ailments on the computer. As tempting as it is, there is no substitute for a medical degree, a cold stethoscope and a scale that adds 10 lbs. However, one night recently, I turned to the dark-side and read up on the residual pain from my gall bladder surgery. Of all the crazy things it could be, the one I settled in on was: A plugged, spasming bile sphincter. Oddly, this diagnosis soothed me and I went to sleep. Later, the next day, I attended a water aerobics class for the first time in many months. The two male lifeguards who were on duty that night I knew from years past. One was a college kid; another man was nearly my age. They asked how I was doing. “Much better, but I had some complications after my surgery.” I said. I should have said, “Fine”, but I felt compelled to give more details. It’s what old people do. “Oh? What kind of complicat...