Aunt Heidi Speaks on Mature Body Awareness

This is not meant to replace your annual physical, mammogram, pap-smear or prostate check. We all remember “The MOVIE” right? They put the boys in one room, the girls in the other to teach us about the forthcoming changes in our bodies? I suggest making one for us in 40s, so when things start changing… again …we don’t think we’re dying. Man Movie Highlights : When you reach your 40s, you’ll have new and wonderful areas of expanding skin…just above your eyebrows. Don’t worry--the hair isn’t disappearing, it’s just moved … to inside your ears. And hey---those new 4” long eyebrow hairs hanging down your cheek should take the focus off your shiny head. Nature finds a way! Speaking of ears-- you're right, they actually are getting bigger. Don’t bother your doctor--you’re not becoming a chimp--ears grow forever . Your nose grows forever too. In fact, in about 30 years, you and all your male friends can have an “Elmer Fudd” look-alike ...