I Wield Guilt like a Whip

Hello. I’m a dignified 8-year-old Corgi named Freya. I am Krista’s dog, and I adore her. But on Fridays, Krista goes God-knows-where and leaves me home with “grandma” (her word, not mine). Grandma calls it “Fridays with Freya” and it’s special spoiling time for the two of us. Ugh. Grandma talks to me only in the world’s highest possible squeaky voice, asking me questions that I’m supposed to answer. Here’s an example: “Who’s the best puppy? Say “I am!”” I’m especially annoyed when she asks me open-ended questions, like, “What do you think?” I’m middle-aged, I don’t have time for this baby-talk nonsense. There are times when Grandma leaves me alone at home. I am totally fine with the peace and quiet of being alone (I’m very mature). But, because I’m a rascal, I hang my head low when she comes back, and barely move. She sits down with me, pets me and then I roll over for a belly rub. If she tr...