You Think YOU'VE Got it Ruff?

My family is nuts They brought me to the grandparent’s house, leashed me to a shade tree, left me a bowl of water and patted my head. They were gone for 2 hours (that’s 14 in dog hours), during which time the old folks’ automatic sprinklers timed ‘on.’ There I was, trapped in my 10-foot circle while the Ch-ch-ch-ch-tsssssssssssss Ch-ch-ch-ch- tssssssssssss spritzes of water, from which I could not escape , nailed me every 20 seconds. Oh, they came home alright, and felt bad, but I definitely heard some chuckling at my expense. This latest incident follows a long summer of “First Time Dog Owner” follies starring me. Heidi’s previous blog detailing my humiliating “all-over” shave was a crock of dog-doo. I would have titled it, “Jasmine feels all exposed and NASTY.” I’m glad she got butt-fur on her face. If I had known it would have caused her such discomfort, I would have blown the hair up at her myself. This all started back in Jul...