Job Applicant Olympics

I had a job interview yesterday. It was mental and physical Get-A-Job Olympics. We began with the: Job Applicant Triathlon In retrospect, it seemed a whole lot like they were administering a psychological test. Event 1: 12-page Application Completion Those fun-loving employers set us up with a clipboard and pencil on a rickety, wheeled office chair and no table. I managed to recant my life with only one episode of writer’s cramp and one small “Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo” sound-effect when the chair moved backwards unexpectedly. Event 2: Math Test in an 80-degree Room I haven’t had a math test since I was 16. That fact alone made me sweat, not to mention the high room temperature. Deductions for water requests (which I made). Event 3: Viewing of the Corporate Video This doesn’t sound much like an event, but the office manager put the video on, left the room, but neglected to hit ‘play .’ The same video scene ran for 2 LONG minutes befo...