Parties from Hell

All activities I planned for my kid's birthday party either went way too fast, leaving hours of chaos, or they bombed. Piñata's last only minutes. Kids also cheat at the “Pin the Tail on the Donkey" game. I've have also been booed. The most recent disaster was a slumber party for my daughter and 5 friends. I’ve been doing birthday parties for years and a fter much pouting and resistance on my part, the party was scheduled and Krista invited several guests: Folded-Arms Girl - wouldn’t participate in any of the 3 Ms (music, movies or makeup) Painfully-Shy Girl - wouldn’t speak to anyone but my daughter Passed-Out Girl – slept through everything past 8 pm, even my “Do you want me to call your mother?” reputation-tarnishing question delivered at 3:30 am, when ‘Folded-Arms Girl’ became rambunctious with a microwave popcorn bag on her head. Overly-Sensitive Girl - wept twice ( I still don’t know why ), and bawled when ‘Painfully-Shy Girl’ sp...