Interview with my Dog

CHING, CHING, CHING, CHING, chingcingchingching, shimmy, chingcingchingcing. Click,click,click,click…click,click,click,click Jasmine, the Canine Alarm Clock is ringing. It doesn’t matter if she stays up all night. I could take her for a 20 mile run, she would still get up earlier than I intend to, shake her noisy collar, and clack her four sets of toenails on our hardwood floor. Even if I gave her slippers, took her collar off for the night and kept her in her kennel—she would jostle, hmpf, rattle, whine and generally make it known she is awake. And no one hears her but me. Why won’t she sleep in? I have a lot of questions like this stored up. I thought—for the purposes of this Blog and for dog owners everywhere, I’d conduct an unprecedented interview with my dog: Heidi: Good Morning, Jasmine. Jasmine : Yes, Good morning to you as well. Heidi: Let’s get right to it. Why won’t you sleep in? Jasmine : Well, we dogs have heightened senses. We h...