Huey Lewis and 50 Shades of Grey

Last night we attended a “Huey Lewis and the News” concert. Huey’s still got it: the fantastic voice, the hair, the muscles and the jeans-friendly body. OK, I'm back. At the entrance to the event was, in contrast to paragraph 1, my first real glimpse of myself as an old woman. This occurred when we comingled with our fellow concert-goers-- the cast of “Cocoon ”—in line at the door. My daughter and I stood for a short time to have our tickets scanned, not by a tough bouncer searching for pot or explosive devices, but by an elderly woman who wouldn't hurt a fly. In my seat, I lost myself again, youth recaptured, as Huey entered the stage to the heartbeat at the beginning of “Heart of Rock ‘n Roll.” With the lights out in the darkened theatre, it was a magical night. Then they played “I Want a New Drug” and flashed the spotlights on the audience. WHOA!! 50 shades of grey !! I felt like I was standing in a cotton fiel...