Wilderness Smilderness

Consider this a city-girl's guide to coping with the wilderness. 1 . Never Shine Your Flashlight into a Rustic Toilet “Eyes on me--do not look down,” I commanded my daughter last weekend at a Wisconsin State Park facility while on a waterfall tour. The fact that I knew how to coach her in the proper use of a rustic park toilet speaks to my previous experience in such things. When my son, David, was 9, he had to use the outhouse at night, while camping in the woods, and he made the life altering mistake of shining his flashlight down into the vast hole beneath the plastic seat. He froze, and dropped the flashlight. “I am not going,” he announced, the fear-induced adrenalin-rush enabling his body to “plug up” like a hibernating bear. We departed the next morning, but it wasn’t until days later that he relaxed. 2. Speaking of Plugging Orafices...Invest in Some Good Earplugs “Tweet. Tweet. Tweet. Tweeti...